
Pocket Sketchbook No.18


robot lover ice storm jigsaw puzzle perfect storm manager special plate reverb long jump clear shot lazy bum service center elevator operator captain crunch tender mercies ferocious lion turgid member laugh factory diving bell universal corner eye sore crack head justin bieber


Outdoor Spam Poetry


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Red Cross Stamps

These are almost certainly a gift from Daniel P. Brack.
Miss you, Dan.


Hands of Protection


While deep in my 23 obsession, I had read in the Principia Discordia that the Erisians had adopted the Winston Churchill V-for-Victory sign as their own twenty-three hand-signal (two fingers up and three fingers down). Later, of course, that got co-opted by the hippies as a peace sign. Well, I wanted my own 23 signal free from any association to peace or victory so I closed the fingers or, as often, crossed them in the hope of creating something unique and still recognizable.

This image, by the way, was made on the old Sugar Turbine - the copier that Ed rescued, I repaired and we all used to print the 23 Press books.

Pocket Sketchbook No.8


high octane low blow soft option hard target heavy weather light conversation happy pills sad situation love jones hate monger         warm hearted cool customer weak link strong coffee hello kitty goodbye girl

Too Slight, They'll Say


...or that's what I imagine, though I think it's perfect.


The First


This is the very first piece from the Paper Series of collage/paintings; the experiment that worked, I felt. I remember I framed it up beautifully and gave it to Bruce Conching who didn't understand the value of it at all and liked the frame better than the art. So it goes.

Pocket Sketchbook No.59


constant reminder gubernatorial race happy birthday blue skies riff raff fish sticks dramatic pause gentle reminder shouting match abject poverty near miss new wave bertrand russell main squeeze chrissie hynde quick getaway sentimental journey naked aggression warmed over


Pocket Sketchbook No. 49


vertical smile diamond jubilee tender morsel nowhere fast sudden impact robert mitchum  time bandits french kissing regular army cowboy diplomacy love triangle martial law modern convenience bottom feeder  double breasted hunger games plain spoken

Cool Chick


This girl is so badass. I'm not sure I remember her name... Yvette or Yolanda or something. She was a friend of Theresa Johnson and the guitar player in a little band we had.


Perpetual Dirty Things CD Concepts


Some very early designs. Boy. Maybe I shouldn't even post these. Whatever. You only blog once.

Berlin War Memorial Composite


Wow! I was just about to write, "...and here I am, twenty-four years ago, shooting Berlin's famous Brandenburg Gate, the then-division between East and West replete with Soviet guards and a most foreboding statue." but then I thought about it and then looked it up and this isn't Brandenburg at all! It's some other war memorial, I guess, that was also by the wall. Ted or Sven, you're going to have to help me out with this one.

Ted Found this link.


Pocket Sketchbook No.9


Road Runner Game Boy Dark Knight Readers Digest Apple iPod Project Runway Cheetah Girls Barack Obama American Idol Online newspapers Digital Network Fox News Advance Internet Online Edition Michael Jackson Smoky Mountains Please Hammer Mountain Dew Times Square