Two Women 1985
I'm kind of guessing at the date in this and I can't, for the life of me, remember what this illustration was for. It was a comp for some commercial client or something, as I recall. Or maybe it was just school work. Honestly, I don't know.
Translation Please
I was just looking over my spam folder when I noticed this one guy, on September 6th, left a bunch of messages on various posts across this site. They're all in French, though, and I don't speak French. If you know French, then please tell me what this guy is saying.
il aboierait comme or conciliant
vous eussiez assiégé ci mais humoriste
il eut abruti par conséquent donc torve
j'aurai bonifié exprès donc fixiste
vous bâteriez soit tout à fait ou caractériel
vous arrêtâtes bientôt car essentiel
tu eusses aguerri plus donc original
Oh, and he leaves a link to his tumblr blog, but it's all in French, too, so no help there.
Suddenly I'm thinking it's probably a bad idea posting material to my site that says God-only-knows-what but, eh, it's always been a free-for-all here at PROOF and it's nice to have a little interaction for once, even if it is just spam.
il aboierait comme or conciliant
vous eussiez assiégé ci mais humoriste
il eut abruti par conséquent donc torve
j'aurai bonifié exprès donc fixiste
vous bâteriez soit tout à fait ou caractériel
vous arrêtâtes bientôt car essentiel
tu eusses aguerri plus donc original
Oh, and he leaves a link to his tumblr blog, but it's all in French, too, so no help there.
Suddenly I'm thinking it's probably a bad idea posting material to my site that says God-only-knows-what but, eh, it's always been a free-for-all here at PROOF and it's nice to have a little interaction for once, even if it is just spam.
Time Enough At Last
Everybody knows this Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Meredith as the anti-social bookworm who finally gets his wish, but it's still one of my favorite bits of television. It got me thinking, when I was a kid, about what I'd do if I were the last person left on earth. I still daydream about that often...
and my glasses are made of plastic.
Pocket Sketchbook No.52 1987/2008
facebook login yahoo mail you tube break ground square fee google maps home depot best buy charlie sheen por hub bree olsen american idol craigs list google search southwest airlines drudge report verizon wireless white pages fox news auto trader justin bieber weight loss ebay motors elephant tube google earth search engines weather channel
A Scene from the Past 1986
Al’s Coffee Shop and the Chit Chat Lounge used to stand near the intersection of 6th Street and Rampart in Los Angeles along with the Big 6 Market, Queen Taco and the very car wash where they filmed the movie Car Wash! I spent an awful lot of time here as an art student at Otis/Parsons. Oh my, getting misty…
PHXDW Poster Contest Non-Entry 2012
In Phoenix there is this annual poster design contest, a feature of AGIA’s Phx Design Week. I made two designs. This is the one I didn’t enter. The theme this year is “Here and Now” so what I did with this is I got the AZ Republic and scanned the various stories from that day for short phrases which, I’d hoped, would describe the ‘here and now’ without ever getting specific. Then I made a ‘false-function’ informational flow chart out of those little bits of journalism. For kicks.
Pocket Sketcbook No.32 1997/2008
charlie sheen dog pile por hub bree olsen american idol craigs list google search southwest airlines drudge report verizon wireless motherless target dictionary plenty of fish white pages fox news youtube videos auto trader mature girls justin bieber weight loss ebay motors elephant tube google earth search engines weather channel map quest
"Sleeping with Women" by Kenneth Koch
Maybe my favorite poem ever is by this guy: Kenneth Koch. The actor Hienrich James turned me onto this magnum opus of literature and for that I am grateful. Read for yourself...
Sleeping With Women
Caruso: a voice.
Naples: sleeping with women.
Women: sleeping in the dark.
Voices: a music.
Pompeii: a ruin.
Pompeii: sleeping with women.
Men sleeping with women, women sleeping with women, sheep sleeping
with women, everything sleeping with women.
The guard: asking you for a light.
Women: asleep.
Yourself: asleep.
Everything south of Naples: asleep and sleeping with them.
Sleeping with women: as in the poems of Pascoli.
Sleeping with women: as in the rain, as in the snow.
Sleeping with women: by starlight, as if we were angels, sleeping on the train,
On the starry foam, asleep and sleeping with them — sleeping with women.
Mediterranean: a voice.
Mediterranean: a sea. Asleep and sleeping.
Streetcar in Oslo, sleeping with women, Toonerville Trolley
In Stockholm asleep and sleeping with them, in Skansen
Alone, alone with women,
The rain sleeping with women, the brain of the dog-eyed genius
Alone, sleeping with women, all he has wanted,
The dog-eyed fearless man.
Sleeping with them: as in The Perils of Pauline
Asleep with them: as in Tosca
Sleeping with women and causing all that trouble
As in Roumania, as in Yugoslavia
Asleep and sleeping with them
Anti-Semitic, and sleeping with women,
Pro-canary, Rashomon, Shakespeare, tonight, sleeping with women
A big guy sleeping with women
A black seacoast's sleeve, asleep with them
And sleeping with women, and sleeping with them
The Greek islands sleeping with women
The muddy sky, asleep and sleeping with them.
Sleeping with women, as in a scholarly design
Sleeping with women, as if green polarity were a line
Into the sea, sleeping with women
As if wolverines, in a street line, as if sheep harbors
Could come alive from sleeping with women, wolverines
Greek islands sleeping with women, Nassos, Naxos, Kos,
Asleep with women, Mykonos, miotis,
And myositis, sleeping with women, blue-eyed
Red-eyed, green-eyed, yellow reputed, white-eyed women
Asleep and sleeping with them, blue, sleeping with women
As in love, as at sea, the rabbi, asleep and sleeping with them
As if that could be, the stones, the restaurant, asleep and sleeping with them,
Sleeping with women, as if they were knee
Arm and thigh asleep and sleeping with them, sleeping with women.
And the iris peg of the sea
Sleeping with women
And the diet pill of the tree
Sleeping with women
And the apology the goon the candlelight
The groan: asking you for the night, sleeping with women
Asleep and sleeping with them, the green tree
The iris, the swan: the building with its mouth open
Asleep with women, awake with man,
The sunlight, asleep and sleeping with them, the moving gong
The abacus, the crab, asleep and sleeping with them
And moving, and the moving van, in London, asleep with women
And intentions, inventions for sleeping with them
Lands sleeping with women, ants sleeping with women, Italo-Greek or
Anglo-French orchestras
Asleep with women, asleep and sleeping with them,
The foam and the sleet, asleep and sleeping with them,
The schoolboy's poem, the crippled leg
Asleep and sleeping with them, sleeping with women
Sleeping with women, as if you were a purist
Asleep and sleeping with them.
Sleeping with women: there is no known form for the future
Of this undreamed-of view: sleeping with a chorus
Of highly tuned women, asleep and sleeping with them.
Bees, sleeping with women
And tourists, sleeping with them
Soap, sleeping with women; beds, sleeping with women
The universe: a choice
The headline: a voice, sleeping with women
At dawn, sleeping with women, asleep and sleeping with them.
Sleeping with women: a choice, as of a mule
As of an island, asleep or sleeping with them, as of a Russia,
As of an island, as of a drum: a choice of views: asleep and sleeping with
them, as of high noon, as of a choice, as of variety, as of the sunlight, red
student, asleep and sleeping with them,
As with an orchid, as with an oriole, at school, sleeping with women, and you
are the one
The one sleeping with women, in Mexico, sleeping with women
The ghost land, the vectors, sleeping with women
The motel man, the viaduct, the sun
The universe: a question
The moat: a cathexis
What have we done? On Rhodes, man
On Samos, dog
Sleeping with women
In the rain and in the sun
The dog has a red eye, it is November
Asleep and sleeping with them, sleeping with women
This June: a boy
October: sleeping with women
The motto: a sign; the bridge: a definition.
To the goat: destroy; to the rain: be a settee.
O rain of joy: sleeping with women, asleep and sleeping with them.
Volcano, Naples, Caruso, asleep and sleeping, asleep and sleeping with them
The window, the windrow, the hedgerow, irretrievable blue,
Sleeping with women, the haymow, asleep and sleeping with them, the canal
Asleep and sleeping with them, the eagle's feather, the dock's weather, and the
Sleeping with you; asleep and sleeping with you: sleeping with women.
Sleeping with women, charming aspirin, as in the rain, as in the snow,
Asleep and sleeping with you: as if the crossbow, as of the moonlight
Sleeping with women: as if the tractate, as if d'Annunzio
Asleep and sleeping with you, asleep with women
Asleep and sleeping with you, asleep with women, asleep and sleeping with
you, sleeping with women
As if the sun, as of Venice and the Middle Ages' "true
Renaissance had just barely walked by the yucca
Forest" asleep and sleeping with you
In China, on parade, sleeping with women
And in the sun, asleep and sleeping with you, sleeping with women,
Asleep with women, the docks, the alley, and the prude
Sleeping with women, asleep with them.
The dune god: sleeping with women
The dove: asleep and sleeping with them
Dials sleeping with women; cybernetic tiles asleep and sleeping with them
Naples: sleeping with women; the short of breath
Asleep and sleeping with you, sleeping with women
As if I were you — moon idealism
Sleeping with women, pieces of stageboard, sleeping with women
The silent bus ride, sleeping with you.
The chore: sleeping with women
The force of a disaster: sleeping with you
The organ grinder's daughter: asleep with bitumen, sunshine, sleeping with
Sleeping with women: in Greece, in China, in Italy, sleeping with blue
Red green orange and white women, sleeping with two
Three four and five women, sleeping on the outside
And on the inside of women, a violin, like a vista, women, sleeping with
In the month of May, in June, in July
Sleeping with women, "I watched my life go by" sleeping with women
A door of pine, a stormfilled valentine asleep and sleeping with them
"This Sunday heart of mine" profoundly dormoozed with them
They running and laughing, asleep and sleeping with them
"This idle heart of mine" insanely "shlamoozed" asleep and sleeping with them,
They running in laughter
To the nearest time, oh doors of eternity
Oh young women's doors of my own time! sleeping with women
Asleep and sleeping with them, all Naples asleep and sleeping with them,
Venice sleeping with women, Burgos sleeping with women, Lausanne sleeping
with women, hail depth-divers
Sleeping with women, and there is the bonfire of Crete
Catching divorce in its fingers, purple sleeping with women
And the red lights of dawn, have you ever seen them, green ports sleeping with
women, acrobats and pawns,
You had not known it ere I told it you asleep with women
The Via Appia Antica asleep with women, asleep and sleeping with them
All beautiful objects, each ugly object, the intelligent world,
The arena of the spirits, the dietetic whisky, the storms
Sleeping with women, asleep and sleeping with them,
Sleeping with women. And the churches in Antigua, sleeping with women
The stone: a vow
The Nereid: a promise — to sleep with women
The cold — a convention: sleeping with women
The carriage: sleeping with women
The time: sometimes
The certainty: now
The soapbox: sleeping with women
The time and again nubile and time, sleeping with women, and the time now
Asleep and sleeping with them, asleep and asleep, sleeping with women, sleep
and sleeping with them, sleeping with women.
John Kilduff 1984
This photograph was shot during those heady Bryson days and despite what you see here, John was not a guitar player. John was a painter of the most rudimentary, primative, modern pictures I think I'd ever seen. But he was a supremely likeable fellow so you really couldn't give him shit about it. In fact, I was happy to be in a couple of shows with him. Today I think he's an art instructor of some sort, with maybe a show on cable access, maybe... Let's google him and see what happens... well, here's his website and here's that other thing.
Про Это
Oh my, I love this image. These are photostats of a design by the always amazing Alexander Rodchenko. This is actually, originally, the cover design for a book of poetry by Vladimir Mayakovski. For This or About This, as I understand it, is the translation into English. The woman there is Mayakovski's sweetheart, Lilya Brik, to whom the poem is written. I've seen this great design since appropriated by various concerns but for me and my friends, it was the standard for our band in 1985, Pro Eto.
Gasoline Screamer
Walking around the streets of Budapest in the Summer of 1989, you may have seen this guy pasted to barricades advertising the new band in town, Gasoline. Working at a big ad agency before I fled the states, I had access to many stock images and this was one. I brought several with me to Hungary but everyone liked him the best, so he ended up our Gasoline poster boy.
Mary from that Book
This is something I grew up with; a plate from a book of very fine imagined portraits of characters from the Bible. Despite all the other art there is out there, this is still how I picture the Mother of Christ.
I Heart Soviet Art
I took this picture with me to Budapest in '89 and all the people there reacted with a bemused disdain. Of course, they'd had this stuff shoved up their butts since they were kids but to me it suggested a certain resolute beauty and a singularity of purpose; something exotic to be coveted by a middle-class American like me.
Pocket Sketchbook No.10 1997/2008
american brass watch tv white pages song lyrics teeny angels drudge report fox news kim kardashian itunes fairplay lindsay lohan free galleries black friday ahmed films breaking news lopmix film multimedia amp chinese horoscope jennifer aniston american elite nudismlife family summer dead tiny angels consultas afiliados verizon wireless
Boi-oi-oing! 1987
What this is is when I worked at the Aaron Brothers on La Cienega and Beverly, we got this countertop display for these new pens we were selling and it had this cutaway graphic on it with this illustration of a spring or something in it. So I took the ad flat, cut out the spring section and proceeded to Xerox the shit out of it. I ended up using this image in a whole bunch of pieces. I was really attracted to it. Not sure why.
Camping with Dan 1987
After a disastrous poetry reading event for Twentythree Press and 50 Bucks, Dan and I just had to get the fuck out of LA. We stopped at Swaziland for a bag of weed and Ralph's for some beans and a gallon of wine and headed out in that car he got in a trade with Floy Andrews for a painting. We had no clue where we were going but we ended up in a place called Switzer Falls, parked, plopped down and proceeded to - I don't know - not be in LA. During our 2 or 3 days out there, we both got pretty sick and cold and weren't able to accomplish anything of much relevance or even relax. But it has to be said it was a bonding experience for us both, so no regrets. I miss you, Dan, wherever you are.