
Clipping, June 18, 1978

I just fell upon Alice Bag's tumblr blog and found this clipping there. Naturally I'm reposting it as these are three of the coolest women ever born: Dianne Chai of The Alley Cats, Alice Bag from The Bags and Exene Cervenka from X. Here's what Alice had under this on her page...

“Female performers have always tended to be more reserved, but all that is changing. Rock music and sexuality are about rebellion and outrage and I refuse to dress up sweetly and play dumb.” - Alice Bag, interview with Kristine McKenna for the LA Times, June 18, 1978

Pulp Girls

Sorry I've been away so much. I've been doing more tumblr than PROOF lately. That's where I found these. There's a huge reservoir of vintage images coming from there and I've really been enjoying that.


X No.38


Princess Elizabeth in Her wedding dress, November 1947

Pocket Sketchbook No.17


immediate action buttermilk pancakes fighting irish standing press lake victoria virginia mayo bitter aftertaste stage mother enduring beauty snap decision famous monsters operation petticoat love sickness wasted youth bar fight hello kitty merchant marine hard case muscle bound trick knee fool's errand