


I thought smooshing the faces of old, white guys would make me feel better today, but I'm not sure if it's a therapy I can recommend. These guys are all US Senators, a fact which, I assumed, would further increase my sensation of release and relief as I smeared their corrupt, little noggins. 

I say this because, like so many of you, I seem to have been born predisposed to reject authority and power structures and it seems I can't even go a tiny march of days without reacting against all of that in some way. If I don't, I just end up feeling like a collaborator and then, oh my, all the self-loathing comes on and then the whole questioning existence bit isn't far behind and pretty soon I'm strapped to the gurney and waiting for ECT (which, you know, is still the most effective, immediate treatment for depression. No joke.). 

So my preemptive response to all of this today is smooshing the senators and it only sort of worked.

Now, what am I gonna do tomorrow?

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