
A Cleanser

The way I see it, with all this crazy shit coming at you (here at PROOF and in life) you're occasionally going to need a picture of Sophia Loren to cleanse the pallet, right? So here is your well-earned refreshment.

"Because we here at PROOF are dedicated to making your visit with us an enjoyable experience!" 

And just for kicks, here is some Sophia trivia for you...

The Oscar she won for Two Women was stolen from her Villa Marino by thieves. She sent the Academy sixty dollars and they mailed her a replacement. (Still got it sitting next to my bed.)

She always has something red on her, even though it might be out of sight. she has always believed that red would bring her good luck and ward off negative, evil forces.

Noel Coward said of her, "Sophia should have been sculpted in chocolate truffles so the world could have devoured her." She was never more flattered.

The two movie roles she was dying to do but couldn't were Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Anna Karenina.

The only cream she uses is baby oil-- nothing else. (Now, I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but it seems like to me... oh, never mind.)

In 1955 the movie Gold of Naples made her Italy's top star, supplanting Gina Lollobrigida as the country's leading box-office attraction. The impressed Italian press dubbed 1955 the Year of Sophia.

Clark Gable is quoted as having said, "The girl makes you think all the wrong thoughts," in reference to Sophia.

She allegedly had affairs with Cary Grant, JFK, Peter Sellers, Omar Sharif, Gig Young, and Marcello Mastroianni.

In one of the most famous photos in Hollywood history, Sophia sits next to Jayne Mansfield and stares incredulously as she leans forward and pops out of her low-cut top, the photo ran in papers around the world.

Supposedly she still cuts and dyes her hair herself. (Our girl's punk rock D.I.Y.!)

Her first taste of glamour came at fourteen when she was crowned one of twelve "Princesses of the Sea" in a beauty contest - an honor for which she earned a railroad ticket to Rome, and 23,000 lira.

Received a custom-made, 14-karat-gold toilet seat on her 40th birthday from her husband, producer Carlo Ponti. (An appropriate tribute to the world's finest behind, but possibly a little chilly in the morning.)

Was told her hips were too big, her nose too long ad her mouth too big when she attended her first screen test, but she refused to take anybody's advice and stayed as she was.

Derives great pleasure from rolling her bare feet over a wooden rolling pin while watching TV. (Oh, who doesn't?)

Believes that after her grandmother died her spirit entered her own body. (So she's a little mad - big shock.)

Started out as an extra. (Which is how I plan to end up)

She didn't get on with Marlon Brando during the shooting of The Countess from Hong Kong (1966), especially after the day they were doing a love scene and he commented, "Did you know you have hairs up your nostrils?" (Brando's a creep. Everyone knows this.)

She is the sister-in-law of Mussolini's son.

Played opposite Marcello Mastroianni 12 times.

A fugitive from an asylum once attacked her with a axe, claiming she was his lover. (I might've been a little confused that day.)

Grandma Luisa dubbed her 'Lella'. For the rest of her life, she was never called anything but Lella by her closest kin.

Was taken ill on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, and was rushed to hospital suffering cardio-vascular pain.

She arrived in a horse-drawn carriage to open the 150th Summer sale at London's Harrods department store in July 1999.

Was voted the sixth sexiest woman of the century in a poll of Playboy magazine's readers. (Numbers 1 - 5 were: 1. Marilyn Monroe 2. Jayne Mansfield 3. Raquel Welch 4. Brigitte Bardot 5. Cindy Crawford... Playboy's clueless.)

She may have been a voluptuous sex goddess as an adult, but as a skinny child she was nicknamed 'Stuzzicadente' (the toothpick). (I can relate - when I was a kid, they called me "The Throat Lozenge")

Sophia is still the only performer ever to win an Oscar for a foreign-language film. She received an honorary Oscar in 1991 for Lifetime Achievement.

She served 18 days in prison in Italy in 1982 for tax evasion, which her accountant euphemistically referred to as 'a little error'. (I am revising my women's prison fantasy!)

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