
Hollister Airfield Details (Color Selections)


It's been already more than a year since Kris Curtis invited me to visit the central coast of California with him. He and I, on sort of a whim, rushed through a week of well-paced days and nights in towns like Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel and Santa Cruz. But chief on his agenda was that we should fly in gliders over the whole area. He absolutely had to do it, so I, never hesitant to try anything new, was amenable.

That meant a visit to the Airfield in Hollister which, for me, turned out to be a trove of fascinating subject matter for the kind of pictures I like to take. The variety of aircraft they have there presented me with an excellent opportunity to expose a lot of interesting abstract images as I aimed my OM-1 at these compelling mechanical (and some natural) details.

The ride in the glider was pretty fun, too.


  1. Very cool! Did you take any photos while in the glider? We have video but not photos. What a rush!

  2. Yeah, I do have some and I'll dig those up after a while, too. So you went up, too? Pretty neat, huh?
