
The Mills Family

Here are some people I used to know.
They're missionaries, of all things.
British ones, at that.
Yeah, I know.
What the hell are they doing in your blog, Chris?
I don't know, man.

Well, David Mills and I were best pals for about a year in 1980. Partners in crime and me a protege to debauchery - I never felt so innocent standing there at the precipice to adulthood and gazing out over a world of experiences both exhilarating and tragic. I know I'll never feel anything like the excitement of those moments again but if reflecting on some my adventures with David will get me a taste... well, then, I'll take it... between jobs or between lifetimes.

1 comment:

  1. Chris --

    Nice running in to you at the Poetry Scores Art Invitational.

    Glad you like my masking tape collages.

    The group show at the Stable isn't even in the banquet room. We're taking the space in the "lobby" upstairs. Too many Christmas parties....

    Still, it should be cool!

    -- Tony
