Seems like kind of a "No doy" answer to me, but that's what I said four years ago and look what happened then.
I'm gonna leave the house in a little bit, walk about 16 blocks, and vote for Barack Obama for President of the United States and probably some other Democrats, too. That's just me.
The other dude was never, it should go without saying, a consideration. His campaign and constituency seem pretty fear and hate motivated to me and that is bad. Maybe I'm being naive. Maybe I AM naive. Maybe I just want a better health care situation for myself and people like me. Maybe I once saw McCain on TV and he had some pernicious, little waves of evil radiation coming off his head when he spoke.
I gave thought to voting Socialist - just to be a pisser, I guess. Or maybe to just not be on the winning team, which feels just too obvious and easy, you know? So I flirted with that even though I don't know anything about the candidate or platform. You know what I did? I asked a guy I know from way, way back, name of Kary, whom I heard is into this stuff a little more than me and here's what he told me: "This election is a scam, I'm afraid. I voted for Cynthia McKinney, myself, since Ron Paul was kept from winning, as he should have, during the primaries. We might have had some hope, with a Ron Paul/Cynthia McKinney ticket, but that is not to be... "
So that didn't inspire me much and I quit with the notion right there.
Alright, I'm pretty sure this is the last time I'm gonna get all political on this here blog. It's not really my area anyhow but, what with the electing the President and all, I guess I felt like some sorta something was indicated... but I'm done now.
Hell, it's all so boring anyway.
Let's talk about these drawings! I love 'em!
I'm setting what I'm thinking will become a precedent for future postings here at PROOF. I definitely wanna feature the work of other artists I like and this one, it happens, is Dana Smith.
Now, I just met Dana really recently when I showed with him at the "As Above, So Below" show that happened a couple weekends ago. I'd seen his paintings around and even shown with him a couple times at Hoffman/LaChance, but, for whatever reason, having finally met him and then finding his work online and, most particularly, these drawings, I have to say I'm more charmed and impressed than ever by his output. Nice guy, too.
So, listen. If you like these, then go visit him here
and say, "Hi" from me.
Ooh, Barack Obama as one of the Demoiselles of Avignon. Nice. And John McCain a neo-cubist man of meat. Ugh. But nice.