
God Is The Name We Give To Our Ignorance

I just spent the last hour and fifteen minutes watching and listening to this panel discussion and presentation by Neil deGrasse Tyson on the nature of religious belief in the presence of scientific discovery, or vice versa. 

If you are a religious person, then you will no doubt find this discussion quite challenging and so I'd encourage you to take the time to listen to what the people on the other side of the table are thinking. Mr. Tyson can be fairly strident in his approach and states his point of view with the sort of ardor or zeal with which you often hear religious orators bellow their dogma. For me, that irony is pretty refreshing. But that isn't to say that the man doesn't make his case in a sensible, logical and succinct manner and if you aren't a religious person, then you might find further resolve or identity in Tyson's very rational presentation of these ideas (as I have). if you simply haven't given the matter much thought, then I know you'll find this talk illuminating.


By the way, the title of this post is not a quote from the discussion, but my own words.
Thought I better make that clear.

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