
Two Valentines


Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's hoping the year so far has broughten you all the love you desire!
And also that that desired amount is reasonable and modest.
You don't want to make a pig of yourself.
I think that as long as the love you desire does not exceed the love you deserve, you're pretty much okay.
But even less than that is better.
Sometimes, you know, it's difficult to gauge how much you deserve.
People usually way overestimate.
I suggest you take what you think is fair, and then cut that in half.
Then cut that half in half and you're probably okay.
An expectation of nothing is, of course, best.

Anyhow, here're a couple valentines I sent out years ago.
Or, well, obviously I didn't send these very ones, but others like em I did, for sure.

This one's from like '97 or '98.
I remember just having met Lois Chiles around that time (Yes! THE Lois Chiles! Not making this up!) and sending her one along with everyone else. Of course there was a full page of text behind the cover with the perforation and I remember feeling maybe just a little bit weird about this one line in there about, "your nipples in my mouth" or something...

True story.

Yeah, and this one's from... I'm gonna say '89 or '90 or '91 and was sent naked like a postcard, but mounted on a piece of 1/2" thick foamcore. It's always fun to challenge the U.S.P.S. but get this: my buddy Ed told me that just after the cards went out that he went down to his local Post Office, back when he was on Cahuenga in Hollywood, and one of our esteemed postal workers had xeroxed one of the cards and taped the copy up on the wall for their customers to enjoy. 

A shining moment in my career and a story I'll have to remember the next time I'm feeling suicidal.

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