
Survival Tips #1


This one's from back at Santa Monica College 
when I was real into making lists 
and then those lists would emerge as prints (like the 6 comforts), 
or in metal (tea, milk, lemon, honey) 
or, in this case, as photographs. 

These were originally pictures of cheerleaders I took one night at this high school football game that Ed made me sit through (as his nephew was playing). 
In the darkroom, I laid printed acetates over the paper before exposing 
which was sort of interesting but, 
not interesting enough, 
and these got thrown into a box and left there. 

years later, 
and with the advent of p-shop... 

they're still just sort of, "eh." 

The advice is good, though; 
the kind of stuff you wanna remember when working with the public.


Or maybe the advice isn't any good, either.

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