
The Album Cover Game


I'm pretty sure it was at Amos Poe's page on the Facebook...
sorta sure...
where he had this photo 'album' of these various album cover designs and what it was, it turned out, was a kind of a game you played with your search engine and with your Photoshop. I forget how it went exactly, but it was something like you had to use Google images to randomly search for a photo image or illustration and the first thing you found you had to use. And then something similar for the band name and album title though, as I say, I can't remember how you'd begin or confine your search, but I know it made sense at the time. Anyhow, then you took your three elements and tried to combine them in an aesthetically pleasing way to create your album cover.

So, obviously, I dove right on into this challenge: Design album art that no one will see and for no money? Not really familiar with that type of scenario, but hey, what the shit?

So this is what I came up with.
Not sure who Vicqual Hall are,
but I'm sure they rock.

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