
For What It's Worth

Here is a quote from a film I watched tonight called Objectified.
I didn't take down the name of the guy who said this, unfortunately,
so I'll have to look at it again later and add his name.
For now, however, all I have is what he said,
so I'll just type this out and decide if I agree with him later on down the line.
For now, it feels sound.

Good design should be innovative.
Good design should make a product useful.
Good design is aesthetic design.
Good design will make a product understandable.
Good design is honest.
Good design is unobtrusive.
Good design is long-lived.
Good design is consistent in every detail.
Good design is environmentally friendly.
Last but not least,
Good design is as little design as possible.

Okay, I just did a quick search and the fella's name is Dieter Rams and here is another iteration of his principles.

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