TAG Group Exhibitions Posters
2000 / 2001
I have about a hundred-million things I could say about the TAG shows but I'll keep this brief 'cause I don't like to write and you don't like to read. Suffice to say that artist and Art Loft resident Ed Reynolds decided he needed to throw something like and art show/happening. I loved the idea and was so eager to participate at the time that I began taking on the responsibilities that I'd hoped would lend legitimacy to the idea, such as publicizing the event with posters. The first event went so well, we decided to keep going and carried on doing a show a month for a year. They were all great in their way and that was a great year for sure and, oh, I could go on but, as I said, I'm keeping this brief. I will add, though, that all the photos for these designs were made at or near the location of the exhibitions - The Art Lofts on Washington Ave. in St. Louis. In fact, that first one is the gallery itself. Okay. Enough.
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