
Some British Pubs

Now, I don't drink but I do have a slight affinity for the culture that surrounds drinking. So, check it out: Here's a short list of new, English drinkeries culled from this rather long list. Hope you are as amused and confounded by these non sequiturs as I am.

The Bull And Politician

The Horse's Replacement

The Human Leg

The Man Of A Thousand Briefcases

The Royal Poke

Good Queen Beast

Good Good

The Three Buns

Spot The Ball

The Individual Fruit Knees

What Everybody Wants

The Hungry Shed

The Chocolate Hostage

The Horse Liniment and Jocky Wilson

Monkeyglands Haemoglobin

The Horse And Horse

The Budgie's Relapse

The Jolly Pemtrils

The Yolly Yumbo Yets

No Socks For Ivan

That's Nice Dear

Guff, Bob & Pants

The Scout Hat

The Errant Apostrophe's

The Fitness & Cement

The Towel And Germans

The Recalcitrant Plebney

The Information Lavatory

The Israeli Biscuits

The Jaffa Legs

The Tog 72-One

The Crap Shark

The Monk's Fridge

Two-Way Family Favourites

The Five Smells

The Brush

Touching Socks

The Paff Chair

The Infradraw Method

The Largely Fimshed

The Occasional Leg

...And Several Butchers' Aprons

The Major Contribution To Road Safety

The Sound Of Chips

The Whole Bunch Of Water

The Youth Hostel Card With Handle

The Pandrol Clip

The Carthaginian Mathematics Base

The Four Wheelie Bins

The Fledgling Word List

The Burger Van

The Fish Waste

The 321, And Not In The Ted Rogers Sense

The Filetab

The Russian Twin Overhead Camshaft Wide Screen TV

The Northolt Swimarama

The Soiled Budgie Extraction System

The Obvious Syrup

Education Education Education

The Last Last day Of Term

The Eighty-Three

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