Dear Mert,
I hope I can call you that! I have included something for you in this letter. I have included a little photograph of me. I also want to let you know that I am coming to see you soon about my books! I have one more for you to hold on to, but Dorothy (my sister, whom you’ll notice, has a bit of resemblance to me) will have the book to give to you . I am not exactly sure when , but do look out for her! I need to thank you in advance for keeping the books for me! I do not know what it is about your library, but I feel that it is the safest place to keep the books. I have two. You may read them, for they are nothing personal. But, I fear the worst, dear Mert. I do. I had the worst dream. Do you mind If I tell it to you? It was years, years later and I saw these two men wanting my books! They destroyed the library and they hurt you, but you protected my books! Mert, with all due respect, please, keep the books safe for me, please! Thank You! I will see you soon!
Yours, Lillian Gish
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