
Dan Brack at the American Hotel


This is Daniel P. Brack.

I took this sequence in his tiny room at the American Hotel, a sort of rooming house above Al's Bar in downtown Los Angeles where he, with his roommate, Todd Warren (the drummer from Pro Eto) started The 50 Bucks, which was a... 
what were we? 

The 50 Bucks was a group of artists and writers who held performances and art events around 1987/88... 
there was a manifesto of some sort, but I don't remember what was in it... 
I got thrown in jail for doing 50 Bucks 'public art' I didn't do (yeah, weird)... 
my 23 Press was part of it... 
lots and lots of parties, of course... 
lots of hyper-conscious, post-art-school shenanigans... 
we sort of fancied ourselves postmodern dadaists or situationists or something, 
a bona fide art movement, 
and looking back on it all now, 
I think it's fair to say we were.

Yes, I do get that none of what I'm saying makes much sense*. There are an awful lot of stories to tell regarding this place and time and I'll get to them when I get to them. Just not now.

Dan died in San Francisco on Friday, October the 13th, 1996 of a drug overdose.

* unless you were there, Mr. Pollard.

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