
Real Fake Alien Language

Random leftover punch-out shapes from this rubber stamp project thing I did a little bit ago: that's all these are.
I find it really amusing just messing around in Illustrator with no real objective.
Line up all these little, abstract weedies and, presto!
You got yourself a genuine, alien language, as seen on the various Roswell artifacts!

And you know what it says, don't you?
Well, first person to reveal the correct translation wins a big prize or something!
(Hint: it's not, "To Serve Man" or, "Klaatu Barada Nikto")


  1. ALF for president '08!

  2. "It's 112 miles to Chicago, we've got a half a tank of gas, a full pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."

  3. "Brain and brain! What is brain?"

  4. It reads thus:

    Though your life may be strewn
    With hardships and pain
    And you may never complain
    As you labor
    Just think of these words
    They may be to your gain
    Speak softly
    And carry a light saber

  5. You, sir, are the winner! Congratulations! You are a cunning linguist! (couldn't resist). Leave your information with my secretary and we'll send you your super special prize!
