Woke really early today and decided to get down to the pharmacy but they hadn't opened yet so with the time I had to kill I went down to Central to see what I could see. A few blocks down on my left I noticed a row buildings that looked pretty destitute so I pulled over into the B of A lot and brought the camera out. The buildings were just okay and you'll see bits of those next but you know how sometimes you take a picture and you just know it's the one that's gonna make getting outta bed worthwhile? Well, this wasn't one of those. I figured it for a throwaway but looking at it here, even all by itself, I rather like it.

It is, of course, one of the painted, concrete medians between the North- and South-going lanes on Central Avenue.
So then I had the idea that it would look good in the 'radiant' layout, like the petals of a flower. The first version was interesting enough to save, but wasn't what I wanted...
This one got closer.
I could refine it more but, shit, I'm just playing. This'll do for now.
Now, a couple days later, I think I'm pretty close to what I had in mind...

Friday, May 13th, 2:26pm
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